New Q & A from Steve

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question: What's next on the agenda for you Steve? We'd love to see you back in Trucks full-time. Hope you know that you have lots of fans in Canada!
name: The Jones Family
Working real hard to get with a team and sponsor that wants to win races as bad as I do! Stay Tuned
question: I'm a Long Islander now living in NC and was wondering if you miss Long Island at all?
name: Eileen G.
Yea I miss Long Island but have spent so much time away that I look forward to going back when I can, visiting friends and family! Fire Island , Montauk and the Hampton's are not to hard to enjoy!
question: Do you ever plan on getting married one of these days?
name: Kathleen Cone
Yes, one of these day's I would liked to have kids and all? I have a career to get back on track so we will see what happens!
question: Will you be visiting Long Island anytime soon? We miss you up here.
name: Harley Charlie G.
Have no plans in the near future? But will get back around the holiday!
question: Are you still a Bears fan?
name: karry
Yes! I have loved the Bears through thick and thin! When I choose to be a fan I kind of stick with them thru it all! Win… lose… whatever ! Kind of like some Steve Park Fans?
question: Hi, Steve; I was just wondering if you like the Trucks or the Busch cars better? I hope to see you back in a ride soon!
name: Jim C
I love to race! Cars…Trucks it really doesn't matter as long as I can win!
question: where will we see you in 2008?
name: jerry
Jerry, hopefully you will see me back full time on the track in a NASCAR Truck or Car!
Thanks for the Q&A guys…
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